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Statutory Information

Information that schools maintained by their local authorities must or should publish on their websites.

Current School Information for Local Authority (LA) and Ofsted

Admissions Arrangements

Other information regarding admissions can be found on our Admissions information page and in our Admission of Pupils Policy

Behaviour Policy

Careers Programme Information

Charging and Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy

Contact Details

Risedale School
Hipswell, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire. DL9 4BD
Telephone: (01748) 833501 | Email:

For general enquiries please contact our Office / Reception team who will be more than happy to help and should always be contacted in the first instance. If you wish to visit, it is advisable to make an appointment so we can ensure there is someone available to meet with you.

Headteacher: Lucy Greenwood 

School Business Manager: Stephanie Blood

Safeguarding Team:

SEND Team:


For information about each curriculum area please contact the Head of Faculty or Deputy Headteacher, Mr Yates, by emailing or call us on 01748 833501.

All parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE / RPE / RS. To do this please contact Deputy Headteacher, Mr Yates, by emailing or call us on 01748 833501.

Ethos and Values

Risedale School: A Family Of Learners

Our Mission
  • The Risedale family is committed to a positive future for all through a personalised learning journey.
Our Aims
  • Celebrate success, learn from mistakes
  • Build resilience, accept challenge and strive for excellence
  • Shape curriculum to discover, explore and build aspiration.

Pillars of Success:

The five pillars: The main mantra of the curriculum is to be inclusive, to challenge and engage all pupils positively in their learning through a broader understanding of the world around them. Throughout this, we emphasise kindness and empathy and a family ethos. To achieve this we have 5 clear pillars which underpin our whole school curriculum and vision. See 'Pillars of Success'.

Financial Information

Governor's Information

Ofsted Reports


All our school policies can be found on our dedicated website page: Policies


Public Sector Equality Duty

Pupil Premium

Remote Education

School Opening Hours

School Uniform

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information

Test, Exam and Assessment Results

Performance Measures Website

Performance measures based on qualification results from 2022/23 cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/22. This is because a different grading approach was used in 2021/22, to take account of the impact of the pandemic.

Key Stage 4 (end of secondary school) Results

  • Our GCSE Results Summary 2023 provides information on our Progress 8 score; attainment in English and maths (percentage of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths); Attainment 8 score; English Baccalaureate (EBacc) average point score (APS) and the percentage of pupils that enter the EBacc.
  • Our 2023-2024 Outcomes for Pupils: Analysis of Effectiveness of Careers Guidance includes the percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after Key Stage 4 (pupil destinations). 

Previous Data

Requests for Paper Copies and Information

If you would like to receive any further information or hard copies of documentation from the Risedale School website please email Stephanie Blood - School Business Manager Email: