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House System

We celebrate the success of our pupils who strive to achieve their best in all aspects of life.

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Check out our current House Points totals here:

House points at Risedale School

Welcome to our House System

At Risedale we celebrate the success of our pupils who strive to achieve their best in all aspects of life. The House System creates a sense of community and promotes healthy competition among pupils and staff. It supports our pupils to develop as confident, resilient, compassionate and successful individuals as outlined in our 5 key ‘Pillars of Success’.

Pupils are organised into 4 houses and wear a tie in their House colour generating a strong sense of identity and belonging. Our Houses are named after 4 inspiring British icons; each 'House Hero' has made a significant and long-lasting contribution to society and reflects the attributes we strive to instil in our young people at Risedale.

Our House System Vision:

  • To offer new experiences and opportunities
  • To take pride in our school and have personal aspirations
  • To develop leadership, teamwork and communication skills
  • To participate in healthy competition and build resilience
  • To generate a sense of community, showing compassion for others through empathy and friendship

House points, rewards and Epraise

Mr M Gunnell is our House System and Rewards Manager.

Pupils are rewarded for exceptional work in the classroom, for taking part in inter-house competitions and extra-curricular activities, as well as contributing to the life of the school and wider community. House points are awarded to individuals and logged on Epraise, our online reward system; from here pupils can keep track of their reward points and see how they have contributed to the overall points total for their particular House.

Attenborough House

Attenborough House

House Hero: Sir David Attenborough

  • 8 May 1926 - present.
  • World famous naturalist, broadcaster, documentary maker and national treasure.
  • A conservationist who cares deeply about our planet, nature, animals, the environment and climate change.
  • Sir David Attenborough inspires us to have a thirst for knowledge, to care about the world we live in and to fight for positive change.

Attenborough - House Heroes Quote Banners July 2020

Pankhurst House

Pankhurst House

House Hero: Emmeline Pankhurst

  • 15 July 1858 - 14 June 1928.
  • A political activist and suffragette who campaigned for equal rights for women and helped to change the law so that women could vote.
  • In 1999, TIME magazine named Pankhurst as one of the '100 Most Important People of the 20th Century', stating: "she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back".
  • Emmeline Pankhurst inspires us to be resilient and to fight for equality and justice for all.

Pankhurst - House Heroes Quote Banners July 2020

Seacole House

Seacole House

House Hero: Mary Seacole

  • 23 November 1805 - 14 May 1881.
  • A Jamaican-born pioneer nurse who assisted sick and wounded military personnel during the Crimean War.
  • Voted the greatest ‘Black Briton’ in 2004.
  • Mary Seacole inspires us to be compassionate to others; to nurture and care, even at the most difficult of times. A resilient woman who challenged convention.

Seacole - House Heroes Quote Banners Nov 2022

Turing House

Turing House

House Hero: Alan Turing

  • 23 June 1912 - 7 June 1954.
  • The father of theoretical computer science.
  • A coding genius who helped bring about victory in WWII at Bletchley Park by cracking the Enigma Code.
  • In 1952, Alan Turing was arrested for homosexuality – which was then illegal in Britain. Today, he is rightly seen as an important figure in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Alan Turing inspires us to always try our best and to think of new and ingenious ways to solve problems.

Turing - House Heroes Quote Banners Nov 2022-1