One of the best ways to make sure pupils have a good start to the day is by being prepared and having all the equipment they need. Below is a list of items that all pupils are expected to bring with them each day and Form Tutors will check each morning.
Equipment List:
- Chromebook fully charged and in its protective case.
- A pencil case containing the following:
- a black biro, red biro and blue biro,
- pencil
- ruler
- eraser
- PE kit (on timetabled day for PE).
- Reading book (KS3 only).
- Doodle book (KS3 only on the timetabled day for Art).
Other items of stationery such as colouring pencils and glue sticks can be a useful addition to a pupil's pencil case, however, items such as pencil sharpeners, scissors and cutting knives are not permitted. If these items are required during a lesson they will be provided by the teacher.
Information regarding valuable / personal items:
Liability and lost property
We strongly discourage pupils from bringing high value or sentimental items to school. If these items are brought to school it is the owner's responsibility to ensure that they are kept safe. The school will not accept any responsibility for their recovery or replacement in the case of loss, theft or damage.
We encourage all pupils to take responsibility for their possessions. However, it is important to report any loss to the school with a description (colour, make, etc.) of the lost item so that it can be traced more easily. Where items are named, it is easier to return them to their owner.
Mobile phones
If a pupil does bring a mobile phone to school it must be turned off once on the school site. Any mobile phone seen out without permission will be confiscated and placed in the school office.
Any pupil in isolation must automatically hand their phone to the supervising member of staff. Refusal to do so will result in sanctions that could include suspension.
Parents/carers should not call their children directly during the school day as this will disturb the learning of others. If there is an emergency, please call the school office and they will be able to help. Similarly, pupils must seek permission before calling home to ensure any issues can be dealt with promptly.
>> Mobile phone ban for pupils at Risedale School from January 2024 (Letter sent 08/12/2023).