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Year 9 Options

Choosing options is an exciting time for Year 9 pupils. We hope that the resources on this page will give pupils and parents/carers a good overview of the process and all the information needed to make well-informed choices.

PLEASE NOTE: The information below applies to Year 10 pupils from the previous academic year.

An updated list of available subjects for current Year 9 pupils will be available during Spring 2025 when they make their subject selections.

An introduction to Year 9 Options from Mr Yates - Deputy Headteacher:

Option Subject Videos:

Below are a series of video presentations made by your teachers about each of the option subjects on offer. At Risedale you have the opportunity to study 4 of the following option subjects at Key Stage 4.

Option Block Summary:

Pupils choose 4 subjects, a different one from each of these option blocks.

Option Blocks June 2024

Compulsory Subjects:

As well your option subjects you will also study the following compulsory subjects throughout Years 10 and 11.