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Flood a School Day

15/03/2024 Top News

Risedale welcomes university ambassadors for inspiring careers day.

On Friday 15th March, Risedale School hosted student ambassadors from York St. John University as part of our Careers, Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme linked to Inspiring Choices and Uniconnect. This initiative focuses on equipping secondary school pupils with the knowledge and guidance they need to make informed decisions about their futures.

The visiting ambassadors had the opportunity to interact with a large group of Risedale pupils. They shared their personal journeys to higher education, including their chosen subjects and the career paths they envision. These informal discussions provided a valuable platform for Risedale pupils to ask questions and gain insights directly from current university students.

"Over the past few months," explained Helen Porritt, Risedale's Careers Leader, "I've been delivering careers lessons to Years 7, 8, and 9, specifically highlighting the various technical routes pupils can pursue to qualify for their desired careers. Today's visit from the student ambassadors has further solidified the message that higher education is a viable option for all. The Risedale pupils actively participated, asking insightful and thought-provoking questions throughout the sessions."

This event served as a valuable addition to Risedale's CEIAG programme, providing pupils with firsthand exposure to university life and career opportunities. By fostering connections with university students, Risedale empowers its own pupils to make informed choices about their futures.

For more Careers Education Information Advice Guidance (CEIAG) please visit our dedicated website page: Careers.

Risedale School CEIAG Logo